Monday, July 6, 2015

Computer specs for video editing

It was shortly before my daughter's birthday party that I scheduled my first paid video job.  I thought the birthday party would be the perfect time to get some more practice in.  Lucky for me.  After uploading the raw video I started the editing process.  I had uploaded new software to a computer I'd never used for video editing.  This is what I discovered:  My laptop is virtually useless for what I need.  The video lag in the playback was AWFUL.  The diagnosis?  Simply, I needed a new computer.  Great.  I did a lot of research and talked to a few IT guys. My computer wasn't meeting the minimum specs for what I needed to do video editing.  I looked around at a lot of different computers.  In the end I had a friend build me a custom computer. 

 Here are the basics of what you need to look for.  Keep in mind that these are definitely not the only options you have.  This is just what I would have gone with if I hadn't had mine built.

Processor- i5 or i7  you also want the speed to be at least 2.8 GHz
RAM- 16 GB
Graphics card-  I'm a little sketchy on this one.  It was difficult to find a good graphics card in a computer on a budget.  You definitely don't want a graphics card that's integrated into the computer.  You want one that can be removed.
Hard drive-  If you're doing video you want at least 1TB hardrive. 

Here's what I got at Newegg and the price I paid for each:

*FYI the Internal SSD is like a fast hard drive (at least that's how it was explained to me.)  It's supposed to make your computer go a little faster, but it's not necessary

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