Welcome to the once a month blogger! The purpose of this blog is really to share ideas/thoughts/projects and maybe even a story or two!

I became a stay at home mom after having my second child. As a new stay at home mom I wanted a way to document the things I'm working on as well as share with anyone who might care to listen. I have gotten so many great ideas from others that I want to pay it forward in any way I can.

As for the name, "The Once a Month Blogger," Well, I have to be honest, that is extremely ambitious for me! I've had a personal blog site for about 6-7 years and have probably written on it less than a dozen times. My posts aren't likely to be long. I like to try to keep things as brief as possible!

As a warning, if you're looking for comic relief or inspiring literary genius...you won't find it here. But

I promise I will do my best to post once a month or more, even if only to briefly update you on a current project. Hopefully you can find something you'll like!

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Pinterest Win or Fail? Marbled Mug

We've all seen them out there.  The famous pinterest fails.  And believe me, I've had my fair share of them!!   Now, I love crafting but I'm not always good at it, so I love seeing when someone else who isn't a perfectionist is successful at re-creating something from pinterest.

I also love watching the short how-to videos on pinterest.  They let me see what's going on without having to click on a link to go to a website, that takes me to another website, and so on.  Or clicking on a link that takes me to a website where my phone gets plastered with ads that I can't seem to get rid of because my fingers are too big for those dang little x's!  So here's the deal.  I want to create a pinterest win/fail segment that are videos of things I've tried from pinterest.  If you have any suggestions or videos that you want to see, let me know!

For this first video I wanted to try the marbled nail polish planter (or in my case, mug).  The final product looks pretty rad, so I wanted to see if the untalented painter could make a beautiful painted mug.

 I'm not going to lie, at first I was pretty sure it was going to turn out horribly, because, as you can see, when I poured in the nail polish it started to spread everywhere and the video on pinterest didn't do that.  But it turns out I was pretty happy with the finished product.

  • Get cheap nail polish!  Or at least runny nail polish.  My more expensive polish was thicker and just dripped in blobs instead of giving me a nice stream of polish to spread around.  Unless maybe you wanted a polka dot mug or planter?  I wonder if that would work!  Now I have to try it!!  
  • After you take it out of the water there may be some areas of thicker nail polish that will start to drip.  I took a blow dryer to mine and ended up with some bubble indents where the beads of water dried.  Next time I might try gently running some cold water over it instead. 
  • If there are no drippy spots, turn the planter upside down to dry
I'm excited to try some more!