Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Princess Quiet Book Template

As promised, I'm finally getting around to posting the template.  This will save you hours, I promise.  And it hopefully makes the task of making a quiet book a little less daunting.

Oh, and it appears that I'm not as tech-savvy as I thought I was, because I couldn't figure out how to get the PDFs for each page into one PDF.  If you know how, without special software, please let me know!  And if you like what you see please sign up for email alerts!  I'll be adding a My Little Pony Quiet Book shortly and you won't want to miss it!

Cinderella Page

Belle's Mirror Page

Castle Page

Dress-ups 1

Dress-ups 2

Dress-ups 3

Dress-ups 4


Rapunzel's Tower Page


*Crown template will be posted shortly.