Welcome to the once a month blogger! The purpose of this blog is really to share ideas/thoughts/projects and maybe even a story or two!

I became a stay at home mom after having my second child. As a new stay at home mom I wanted a way to document the things I'm working on as well as share with anyone who might care to listen. I have gotten so many great ideas from others that I want to pay it forward in any way I can.

As for the name, "The Once a Month Blogger," Well, I have to be honest, that is extremely ambitious for me! I've had a personal blog site for about 6-7 years and have probably written on it less than a dozen times. My posts aren't likely to be long. I like to try to keep things as brief as possible!

As a warning, if you're looking for comic relief or inspiring literary genius...you won't find it here. But

I promise I will do my best to post once a month or more, even if only to briefly update you on a current project. Hopefully you can find something you'll like!

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Hanging Shelves - DIY Beach Series

This project doesn't get much easier and I LOVE the way it looks.  In fact, so far, this is my favorite project. 

  • 1'X2' Boards- I got mine at Home Depot.  They were in the shelf section.  They were already white so I loved that I didn't have to do any painting.  Each was $4.
  • Rope- I got mine from Joann's in the home decor section.  I believe it was 3/4".   It came in a package and was about $13 for the whole pack.
  • Cleats- Also from Home Depot.  These ones are about 6".  $3 each.
  • Drill and drill bit the size you want. We did ours 1".

You'll probably do some adjusting based on how you want yours to look.
These are just general instructions.  I won't get too specific.  If you have questions about how we did ours, please ask!

Drill a hole at each corner.  I made them about an inch from each side. Slip the rope through and tie a knot at the bottoms

Drill the cleats into the wall. and hang the shelves by the rope.  You can just lay it over the cleats or you can do like we did and wrap it around a few times.  Mostly we did that because our rope was too long.  It ended up making it a little more stable so it doesn't sway so much.  We also considered putting something sticky on the back and attaching it to the wall so it wouldn't move around, but with the way we tied the rope, we decided it wasn't a big deal.

And that's it!!!

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